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Transferring App to another Account and problems with subscriptions
We are asked often about switching or transferring Apple accounts, or why a customer’s subscription is working on some devices but not on all devices. This article will explain more.
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Unfortunately there is no way to transfer ownership of an app from one Apple ID to another nor one Gmail Account to another with the case of Android sorry. We do not handle any of this, Apple and Google do. We are simply wholesalers on the platform.
As App developers, we are blinded to any and all customer accounting and software licensing of any of our apps – all developers are. So we have absolutely no say nor control in this aspect. This limitation by both AppStores, means we have no control and can not transfer to a new account.
So in the case of a subscription not working, Apple will give you a warning usually that the app must be purchased in order. The staff of the office then questions how is this possible. It is possible because someone changed the Apple account on the device to apply a subscription purchased on another account, however, the base app was never purchased under that account, so there is a mismatch, essentially fraud in Apple’s eyes, between the accounts. So the solution will be decide what Apple account needs to be used, and repurchase the application under the correct account which has the subscription.
So there are two main points to remember. The first is, you will need to repurchase the app and any in-app purchases when you change accounts. This is becuase at install, it is hard coded to the AppStore to the ID that purchased it and licensed it. That being said, if you simply change your ID on the device, when you run out of credits or go to buy something, either AppStore will throw an error and not allow you to do so. This is to protect against fraud. You may need to delete the application and do a fresh clean reinstall under the new Apple ID or Gmail account after repurchase.
Before you delete the app, you MUST make sure you have backed up the app data. We have ways of doing this if you let me know which version you had purchased (Apple iOS or Android). If the prior patient data is not important, or you already sent to clients or uploaded into EHR, not a problem, you can delete the app and reinstall it, you will have a clean slate for a database. You will then of course, have to repurchase any modules or in-app purchases under the new account. Please see below for steps in migrating your data if you wish to keep your data.
On Apple devices it is VERY important to perform an iCloud device level backup on the “old” existing Apple ID prior to deleting application or changing Apple ID. This will backup the state of your device. **Always perform an Apple iCloud Device backup under the ORIGINAL Apple Account prior to deleting or changing your Apple account as well**. This is a fail safe should something go wrong. Hopefully your account has always been backing up to iCloud services unless your staff turned off this feature or if you ran out of iCloud space. But you should always perform one last iCloud device backup prior to ever deleting app or changing Apple ID.
Further in similar manner, there is no way to transfer app purchases from Apple to Google or Google device to Apple. They are completely different stores and different apps, and Apple and Google are both competitors as well, and even if they could share, they would not from a business stand point.
***If you are simply getting a new Apple device and the Apple ID is not to be changed, follow Apple’s normal setup and restore process. During set up of your new Apple device, use the same Apple ID, and on new device choose to restore from recent backup from icloud the old device.
1. Backup your client data to our cloud service we offer. This is to be done prior to changing Apple account or deleting the application. See below for details. We also highly suggest Apple iCloud for device level backup. The iCloud device backup under current Apple ID is to ensure a whole device image of your device is also backed up should you do something wrong. The more ways of backing up the better.
2. Cancel any subscriptions you may have with the personal Apple ID like the unlimited assessment subscription
3. Uninstall PostureScreen
4. Reset the iPad and set it up with the new Apple ID
5. Re-Purchase PostureScreen and any upgrades/subscriptions with the new Apple ID
6. Restore your data back to the iPad from SyncScreen cloud.
On the iOS platform, You can transfer your app data but nothing else, and we do not have control as noted above with regards to purchases. Please watch this tutorial to understand more and realize we are simply wholesalers to Apple, meaning we do not control licensing how it relates to Apple IDs.
If you do change your Apple ID on that device you will likely need to delete and reinstall the application or you will not be able to use subscription nor make in-app purchases because the app was not licensed to the new Apple account, which makes sense, and so you will have to delete and reinstall it or buy it under the new account.
Preferred method of transferring your data once you have backed up to SyncScreen and changed your Apple ID and redownloaded the PostureScreen
(1.) Our SyncScreen cloud service. You would create a cloud account with your NEW iOS Device and then login to that new account on your OLD iOS device under SyncScreen section and upload your records to your cloud. You would then login to your SyncScreen cloud and download your records as needed. Here is information on SyncScreen:
Once you verify you have all your client data, go back to a device under your old account and be sure any subscriptions were unsubscribed under the OLD apple account as they will keep charging that account. Here is how to unsubscribe if needed: As developers we do not have access to your account. If you are using an iOS device, and would like to view, edit, or cancel a subscription, here is how:
As you can see it will be a lot of work if you change Apple accounts, however it is possible, but Apple doesn’t make it easy as they are limiting people from sharing accounts, which protects against fraud, however, makes it difficult for legitimate changes like yours.