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SitScreen Anatomical Landmarks and Measurements

SitScreen Measurements
Name of MeasurementHow is it Measured
Cranio-Vertebral Angle (CVA)D-E-Horizontal: External Auditory Meatus (EAM)/Tragus relative to Horizontal
Head-Neck Angle AKA Neck Flexion Angle – Szeto)D-E-Vertical: EAM/Tragus to vertical
Head-Tilt Angle (Relative to Horizontal)C-D-Horizontal: Lateral Canthus Eye to Horizontal
Gaze AngleC-D-Center of Monitor (points A to B distance) Lateral Canthus of Eye to center of monitor
High Thoracic AngleD-E-M EAM/Tragus – C7/T1 to Approximate T7 
Neck Posture AngleD-F-vertical EAM/Tragus to Center Base of neck at Cervico-thoracic Junction
Elbow AngleF-G-H
Wrist AngleG-H-I
Trunk Thigh AngleF-J-Vertical
Thigh angleJ-k-horizontal