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Multiple Devices adding assessments to the same client

Our recommended client workflow for SyncScreen with multiple devices is as follows:

  1. New Patient “John Doe” comes into the office for an initial exam.  
  2. Exam is done on John Doe on iPad A.  
  3. Reports are generated/emailed.  John Doe’s record is auto-uploaded to the SyncScreen cloud.
  4. John Doe comes in for a second follow up exam.
  5. Exam will be done on iPad B (or any device, it does not matter).  John Doe’s record is manually downloaded to the device and the exam is done.
  6. Reports are generated/emailed.  John Doe’s record is auto-uploaded to the SyncScreen cloud.
  7. John Doe comes in for a follow up exam.
  8. Exam will be done on iPad C (or any device, it does not matter).  John Doe’s record is manually downloaded to the device and the exam is done.
  9. Reports are generated/emailed.  John Doe’s record is auto-uploaded to the SyncScreen cloud.

A client’s full record from the cloud only needs to be downloaded in full to a device ONLY when you wish to generate a comparative or Trend analysis report.

Tutorial Link: