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Credits Removed – PostureScreen is now Subscription only
If you are viewing this knowledge base article, you may be curious about why we decided to remove credits as a payment option for PostureScreen. This article will provide a detailed explanation of this decision.
It’s worth emphasizing that even with the subscription model, PostureScreen remains an exceptionally cost-effective solution for healthcare and fitness professionals. The software delivers high-quality documentation, has been rigorously validated for reliability in posture assessments, and is widely used in clinical research at numerous schools and universities. This is a level of credibility that comparable software—often priced in the thousands of dollars—cannot always claim.
Below, we outline the reasons for this change and the advantages it offers to our users.
Starting in version 14.4 of PostureScreen, credit option was completely removed. If you have remaining credits you will be allowed to use them all, but at that point you run out you will need to enroll in either monthly or yearly subscription. If you choose not to, your PostureScreen will be accessible but you will not be able to create new exams.
We began informing all users in February 2023 with the release of version 13.0 that the credit option would be phased out. As of August 27, 2024, version 14.4 has been released.
During this period, the following message was displayed to users each time they purchased credits, with a red text warning indicating that this option would be removed.

Why did we choose to do this?
Credits were initially introduced in early 2010 when Apple did not support multi-device usage, nor subscriptions. Our customers expressed dissatisfaction with the need to purchase credits for each device and the requirement to acquire additional modules. Even today, Apple does not permit the sharing of “credits” or consumable in-app purchases to be shared across devices. As a result, when Apple introduced subscription options, it addressed many of the limitations our users had been complaining about. A major flaw with the old credit system is if your device breaks, and you buy a new iPad, and previously you had pre-purchased say 1000 credits, when you get a new device, the credits would never get transferred and leaving our customers very very unhappy and literally nothing we could do. Apple wouldn’t honor a refunds for purchases more then a few days old, and we as developers literally have no access to accounts to refund the client. This was very problematic as we have thousands of users. We literally have no access to your accounts, and are blinded by Apple. They handle everything completely. Subscriptions solves this issue.
Since 2015, we began offering subscriptions as an alternative to credits. Most of our user based moved to subscriptions to solve for the many limitations of credits. Subscriptions provide several advantages that credits lacked, primarily the ability to share them among multiple devices within an Apple plan. Subscriptions also unlock advanced assessment features that were not available with credits, such as computer vision for automated marking assistance, all assessment modules, and even the new ROM modules.
Additionally to that mentioned above, our decision to retire credits is largely influenced by the fact that very few users still opt for this method. Most users have found our subscription model to be more cost-effective and beneficial, as it allows for unlimited assessments and access to advanced features across multiple devices. You can find more details on our subscription option here:
Further, the discontinuation of credits is also aimed at simplifying the user experience and avoiding confusion for newcomers. If you explore our other assessment options and the new ROM modules we are introducing, you will see that a monthly or yearly subscription offers significantly greater value compared to the older “pay as you go” credit system which has been retired.