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Advanced Thoraco-Lumbar Tangents and CVA/Skull Gaze Angle

In this tutorial we will review the new assessment update that allows you to turn on additional postural mensuration for both the 2-View as well as the 4- View PostureScreen assessment. This feature is available in version 14.5 of PostureScreen for iOS and later. The CVA, Head Tilt (flex/ext), Pelvic Tilt are still reported when turned on but are now optional for users.

CLOTHING REQUIREMENT: For accurate results in this study, men should remove their shirts and women should wear sports bras. This is especially true for using the new advanced thoraco-lumbar mensuration on the lateral view since a posterior tangent trace contour follows their body, and thus we do not want the AI to follow their clothing contours. Do not perform thoraco-lumbar digitization studies without proper attire.  We always recommend men wear shorts with no shirt, and women with shorts and sports top so you can see their body contours clearly.  Also please make sure for thoraco-lumbar trace contour, you position the patient to have their forearm not occluding the view of the posterior thoraco-lumbar spine, otherwise you are digitizing their arm, not their spine.

Video Tutorial: