
Photographs to Clothing Fitting!

Two Photos Only

Accurately measure both linear and circumferential measurements for customer clothing fitting from two opposing photographs

In Store Photo Fitting

Use  the mobile app to on the fly measure a customer from photographs

Remote Virtual Client Fittings

Use the client friendly application RemoteScreen to allow virtual  fittings of existing and potential new customers!  Fast and easy out of office remote  virtual  clothing fittings are finally a reality!

B2B Customizable

Our technology is ready for licensing for your clothing markets.,  Please contact us for more details on how you can deploy this clothing fitting technology.

SyncScreen Cloud Sync & Backup

Use the SyncScreen HIPAA compliant cloud backup and syncing service to not only backup your database, but also give access to your all your iOS devices a common database..

True 3D Mobile Scanning

Using ClothingScreen with the Structure Sensor on supported iPads, allows for true 3D full body scanning.  Imagine having ability to see a true replica of your client in real 3D, and visualize from any perspective.  Easily export 3D models of clients to supported software.

Report Branding Customization

All aspects of our ClothingScreen application are full customizable to fit your company and brand,

Photographs to Fitting.

Clothing Fitting – Anywhere, Anytime

Now it is easy to go from photographs to clothing fitting.  Simply take two photos or use our companion RemoteScreen app for clothing to obtain photographs for body measurements.

PostureCo, Inc. software is protected under US Patent No. 8,721,567, US Patent No. 9,788,759, US Patent No. 9,801,550, and US Patent No. 11,017,547 with other Patents Pending Internationally

PostureCo, Inc. software is protected under US Patent No. 8,721,567, US Patent No. 9,788,759, US Patent No. 9,801,550, and US Patent No. 11,017,547 with others Pending Internationally