WebExercises Integration
Integration with the WebExercises platform to allow custom exercise content for easy exercise prescription to your patient or client. A WebExercises account is required for all exercise content integration.
Suggested Exercises
Save time by using the “suggested exercise” libraries that correspond to possible correctives based on specific movement screen findings or postural faults.
CBP Mirror Image Exercises
Exclusive integration with evidence based corrective postural exercises from Clinical BioMechanics of Posture a.k.a Chiropractic BioPhysics Technique.
The CBP Mirror Image® exercise library gives you the power to prescribe exercises recommendations with clear photos and videos narrated by Dr. Deed Harrison. This library also includes Denneroll traction instructions and functional training exercises for the CBP patient. With the new update, patients and clients can now view their ExRx on the optimized mobile browser, which makes it simple to get access to their programs anywhere, anytime.
To get started, just contact WebExercises and purchase the CBP Mirror Image Exercise Library, and link to PostureScreen. Click HERE to go to their website